BigLion Privacy Policy
This is the web site of
We can be reached via e-mail through our contact form.
BigLion values your privacy and we will never use any collected information for unauthorized marketing purposes. Private information will never be sold, rented, given, or in any way distributed to other companies without your permission. Below are guidelines we use for protecting the information that you provide to us during a visit to our website:
For each visitor to our website, our server automatically recognizes the visitor's domain name, but not the e-mail address. E-mail addresses are only collected from visitors who voluntarily submit their address through forms or registrations on our site. The collected addresses will only be used for the purpose for which they were submitted. In order to improve our site, we may use cookies to record information on what pages users access or visit.
Any information we collect is used to improve the content of our website, and NOT shared with other organizations for commercial purposes.
BigLion includes links to other websites on the Internet that are owned and operated by online merchants and third parties. We are not responsible for and do not guarantee any of the information or content on any third-party or merchant site. For more information, please review that sites privacy/use policy or contact their webmaster.
If you feel that we are not following this stated privacy policy, you may contact us through our contact form.
Thank You.